AWI Releases Report on Poultry Slaughter

AWI’s report, The Welfare of Birds at Slaughter in the United States, describes the results of the first-ever survey of federal government oversight of the manner in which birds raised for meat and eggs are treated at the time of slaughter. It is based on federal food inspection documents produced by the USDA between 2006 and 2014.

The research described in the report found that the USDA’s response to the mistreatment of birds has been inadequate, demonstrated by the fact that nearly 40 percent of federal poultry plants were issued no records whatsoever documenting their compliance with industry bird handling guidelines over a nine-year period. The report also documents that intentional abuse of birds is common practice at some slaughter establishments, and the strategy of voluntary industry compliance has been ineffective in preventing cruelty.

The report is available at

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